Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Melissa!

Yesterday was Melissa's birthday, so this post should technically have been written then, but I was so tired from Melissa's birthday festivities of the night before, it wasn't going to happen. I love celebrating birthdays with my friends because the evening always begins with a nice dinner where we are very grown-up and sophisticated and ends in a divey bar with us screaming "Proud to be an American" at the top of our lungs. As my card to Melissa pointed out, no matter how old we get, our immaturity never really goes away, and I like it that way to be honest.

Melissa has been my very best friend since high school and then we went to the same college, studied in London together and lived together our final 2 years of college. This is the first time we haven't been in the same city in quite some time, but we've done a really good job of staying in touch, especially because we're not too far away from each other. Mel is in medical school and even though she'd never actually admit it, she's incredibly smart and really good at what she's doing. Despite the fact that she participates in idiotic displays of stupid dance moves and bad singing with me, I am positive she will be an amazing doctor.

We definitely have some very specific differences between us, but lately I have been realizing how similar we are. Well for starters, we are both blonde, we dress the same and we love the color pink, so if it's your first time meeting us, it might be a little hard to tell us apart. We're both incredibly girly and more importantly, we're definitely both Midwestern girls. We're friendly (Melissa more than me though), we're close with our families, we both love corn, you know the standard Midwestern personality traits. One striking difference between us is that I am confrontational and Mel is not. Both are advantages and disadvantages and I wish we could both be both at appropriate times, but even that I think we're both getting better at. We definitely balance each other out. I guess another very important similarity between us is that we're both very loyal to our friends and to each other. We're definitely there for the people we care about and I know without Melissa, there would definitely have been times that I wouldn't have been able to pick myself up again. We've seen each other at our worst and our best and have still been there no matter what, so I think that's pretty great.

OH and probably the most important thing that we have in common, we have brother and sister cats, Zac Morris and Kelly Capowski and we LOVE them. Yes, we named our cats after Saved by the Bell, the show had a really big impact on us, what can I say? They are the prettiest cats ever and we both dote on them a ridiculous amount. Anyway, that's just a little bit about Melissa, my very best friend. Happy Birthday Mel, now you're as old as me for 3 and 1/2 months, HA! (I had to end on something sarcastic, that's something we do too, tell jokes when things get sappy.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe I got my very own post!! Almost started crying're the bestest friend a girl could ask for :)

ps it's not even noon and i'm already done w/work for the day! i love my job.