Thursday, July 5, 2007

Weekend in Utah!

Today I leave for Salt Lake City to visit Danny, and I'm so excited I can barely sit still. I'm definitely ripping off my law firm right now because even though I'll be at work for the morning and getting paid for it, I already know I'm going to get next to nothing done. Whatever, I work hard some days :)

So Danny and I haven't talked a whole lot about what we're going to do over the weekend, but one thing (really two, but they're similar) has been thrown out there by Danny for Saturday's activity. His family is going to be camping up in the mountains while I'm there and we can either go meet up with them for the day and hike and canoe and do various other outdoorsy things or we can go to the ski resort where his brother works and ride the ski lift to the top of the mountain and hike there. I have to admit, I wasn't initially so warm to either idea because I am not exactly "Nature Girl." I don't really like getting dirty, I don't like bugs, I don't like being outside if it doesn't involve laying out or running because I have to. But then, I decided to have an open mind about both options. Because there are two things about these activities that I already know I love, spending time with Danny doing something new and the unbelievable beauty of the Wasatch Mountains. So I figure, I can suck it up for a day, give up my prissiness and just do something cool that I definitely can't do in the Midwest at all, with the person I love being with so much. Of course to balance out the sweaty, nature-y activity of Saturday, I'll probably insist that we go to the pool or the mall on Friday just so I can feel like myself ;)

I also realized because yesterday was the 4th of July (Happy 4th!) I neglected my grateful journal, and I'll probably neglect it all weekend, but I can assure you that I will be grateful for more than 5 things every day that I get to spend with Danny, so I guess I don't need it to cheer me up then. So for yesterday, I was very grateful for:

1) hilariously puny fireworks, which were actually still pretty
2) sleeping in for the first time in a long time
3) John Krasinski in License to Wed (he's just so lovable!)
4) Eat Pray Love being such a good book
5) My dad talking like a cowboy when watching Lonesome Dove

And today, well today just started, but I bet I can still come up with 5:

1) My kitty snuggling with me this morning instead of meowing in my face
2) picking out cute outfits to wear for the weekend
3) knowing I'm going to see Danny in mere hours!
4) a tasty breakfast
5) a quiet office for the day, where not much is expected of me, thank goodness!

Ok, that's about all the concentration capacity I had, so I'm going to go back to "working," which is code for bouncing in my chair!

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