Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Grateful Journal

When I was younger, like in middle school, I used to keep a "grateful journal" and every day before I went to bed, I'd write down 5 things I was grateful for. My friend Esther told me about it and it was such a great thing to do because even if I'd had a bad day (oh the woes of middle school) it would always force me to think of good things before I went to bed. And I hate going to bed angry or upset, which backfires sometimes. But anyway, I've decided I want to start doing it again, but doing it here is so much easier because 1) my handwriting stinks, 2) I like the pretty pink color of my font and 3) it's really better now to do it at the end of the work day because that is when I am at my most gloomy. So here I go, today I am grateful for:

1) Yoga on the deck tonight
2) My friends and family
3) Danny submitting his first Chicago secondary
4) Last full day of work for the week
5) Taking a long lunch

I'm in a good mood already! What a great thing! I think everyone should do it, the world would be a better place if people did that every day.

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