Thursday, July 19, 2007

I tried so hard to fight it

But I couldn't. With my love of celebrity gossip, sarcasm and poo jokes, it was inevitable that I would someday become an avid reader of, and alas, I have. So many of my fellow celebrity gossip-addicts would talk about reading Perez daily and I just kind of thought he was too bitchy and everyone reads him and I was trying not to conform I guess. I am a rebel without a cause. But one day at work, I was bored, and I just typed it in and after laughing out loud 3 times in 5 minutes, I knew I'd found a winner. Aside from his bitchy comments and drawings of penises and poo on people's pictures, here are the reasons why is actually a semi-decent celebrity website:

1) He does not take himself seriously at all. He has no problem making fun of himself or taking it like a man when people make fun of him. I respect that.
2) He's always making an effort to introduce his readers to new music and really supports unique and talented artists.
3) Yeah he's mean to some choice celebrities, but let's be honest, with some of the ridiculous stuff they pull, they deserved to get a little poo drawing thrown their way occasionally.
4) He posts new entries alllll the time, which for someone like me who gets bored every 10 minutes and has the attention span of a chihuahua, is perfect because I can check it several times a day.

So there you go. You win Perez, I like you. In fact, I like you better than now and that's saying something. Don't worry, I'm still reading the New York Times every day and trying to be an intelligent human being, but what can I say? It's a guilty pleasure that I don't really feel guilty about and after talking about my stupid job search for an entire week, it was time to talk about something fun! If only I could insert a poo drawing to really finish this off...

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