Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday grateful journal

I need to do one of these at least every Monday because it will definitely keep me going the rest of the day to focus on happy things. So here's what I'm most grateful for today:

1) almost being done with OCI (on-campus interviewing) scheduling
2) Danny being back safe from his trip
3) working on interesting things at work
4) buying new books to read
5) having a nice, quiet weekend

Actually, this Monday hasn't even been that bad. Once I figured out all of the firms I was trying to get interviews with for OCI next month, my day got much less stressful. I still have a lot to do with the job search, since smaller trial firms don't always come to OCI, especially firms from Salt Lake, but I'm checking things off day by day and that's all I can do.

I'm really looking forward to the December 1 deadline to be honest, because at that point, God willing, I will be accepting an offer and I will hopefully know where I am headed after I graduate. It will be a giant sigh of relief. Of course I'll have to work my butt off to make sure I get a permanent offer, but I'm not nearly as worried about that once I get my foot in the door. It's really weird to think about how much of my life is going to be determined in the next 6 months. Where I'll live, where I'll work, what my finances will be like, that's a lot! I'm excited to take this big step even if the process of getting there is stressful. After working full-time and doing all this time-consuming job searching, I'm looking forward to getting back to school too. It will be nice to have a schedule that is more my own doing and to be back in my apartment and to see people again. I'm excited about all of it. Things are good :)

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