Monday, July 9, 2007

Back to the Grind

Today was the hardest day to come to work ever. The weekend in Salt Lake with Danny was soooo good, and then yesterday was a long travel day and I couldn't go to bed early because I was still hyped up from the weekend and I was awful at getting up this morning and it's Monday and I had lots of work on my desk and I'm tired and I wish I could take a nap and whine, whine, whine. I have to admit, the day has gotten better as it's gone on because one of my cases, the one I like the least, has gotten continued so I don't have to work the file anymore and I had delicious carry out for lunch, but it is still Monday, a very sticky, sleepy Monday. It is crazy though that I move back to Chicago in 4 and 1/2 weeks! I'm excited to get back to the city, but there is so much to do before then! I have to finish applying for jobs, choose this semester's classes, pack and the two most fun things, celebrate first Jenny's birthday and then Danny's!

Speaking of Danny, I am having a really hard time getting over my post-visit mope. Yesterday was awful, I seriously think I got teary a dozen times over the course of my journey home. I think it's because the weekend was so good though, so I'm just trying to focus on that. It was so great being with him. And the "camping" thing? Actually it was awesome, I made a big deal out of nothing. It was so incredibly beautiful up there I can't believe it isn't an area that Hollywood has discovered yet. It was a good 20-25 degrees cooler than the 100 degree valley, so sometimes you could almost feel chilly. It was nice to hang out with Danny's family too, I'm really comfortable with them now, whereas when we first started doing the visits, I would get way more nervous because his family just didn't know me as well as mine knew Danny, just because they were so far away. Anyway, we also got to make dinner together, watched Wedding Crashers, one of our all-time favorite sources of quotes, went to the pool, just lots of fun stuff together. I know it's stupid to say, but I missed him the second I walked through security at the airport (he's sweet and always waits until I make it through before he leaves), seriously though, I immediately felt blue. I would guess that's the main reason being at work is so hard today. This seems like the perfect time to do my grateful journal, to cheer me up for the afternoon. Today I am grateful for:

1) Having a boyfriend who is so great I miss him like crazy already (feel free to gag)
2) Looking forward to 2 yoga classes this week
3) Re-reading Harry Potter 6, pre-7th book
4) My silly little kitty
5) Officially renewing my apartment lease! I'm not homeless!

Thank goodness for Harry Potter, I may be a "serious law student," to quote my hero, Elle Woods, but I will probably start reading HP 6 and not put it down until I fall asleep on its open pages, what a good way to get over the mopes. :)

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