Friday, June 29, 2007

My thoughts are in London today

Last night police found a potential car bomb outside Tiger Tiger, a popular bar/restaurant on Haymarket St. just off of Piccadilly Circus. I was so shocked to find out the location of this near-bombing because it was around the corner from the building in which I studied during the fall semester of my junior year of college. Tiger Tiger was a place we would go for 3-pound lunches (that's price, not weight) or where we would stop and have a drink at happy hour before going to a show because it was right in the heart of the theatre district. I am just very glad that the police were able to identify the threat and remedy it before anyone was hurt. I remember during orientation for my semester abroad there, the head of our program, a very dapper British gentleman, talked to us about how the threat of terrorism was a way of life for Londoners, long before 9/11 and how they have learned not to live in fear. I think that is so remarkable how even though they have been victims of terrorist attacks for years (although none as ghastly as 9/11) the people of London do not approach their lives with fear of another attack. Of course the government is doing what they can to curb those attacks, but the people of London truly enjoy their lives and do not alter their habits or daily lives despite this potential threat.

London is probably my favorite big city in the whole world (that I've visited at least) and even though I've lived in Chicago for a full year, I can honestly say I know the city of London better after living there for a mere 4 months, 3 years ago. I was saying to Danny how even though this incident was scary, when I saw all the images of London on the news this morning my immediate feeling was how much I miss that city. If I had to choose a place to go live for a year I would choose London in a heartbeat, no hesitation whatsoever. I love that I know it well but still feel as though there is so much more I want to experience and explore there. I've already decided that the next time I travel abroad I have to go back to London. I know I'll always have other places I want to go too, but I feel like London is a place I'll always have to go back to every few years, I don't think I'll ever be able to shake the feeling of wanting to go back time and time again.

I'm sure the other reason I love London so much is because that's where Danny and I met. I think it will always be special to me because of that. It's just a wonderful place and there is no other big city in the world that feels like it. I know people say all big cities have a unique character and I guess they do, but they're all big cities. I almost feel like London should be in its own category, it is truly that extraordinary.

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