Monday, June 25, 2007

Hi, my name is Carly and I am addicted to

Ok, so it's true. I am completely addicted to I really do love cooking, but it's fairly unlikely that I will get around to cooking all the recipes I have taken from the Food Network's website and yet still, every day, I look at the day's TV schedule and save the recipes that 1) sound good and 2) are actually possible for me to make. I do at least realize I have limitations when it comes to cooking, but still, when I first discovered this magical website, I didn't realize that, so I even have recipes saved from months ago that require more time and equipment and expertise than I will probably ever have in my lifetime.

Still, though, I looooove cooking, especially now that there are certain things I've gotten quite good at. I even have a few dishes that I can honestly say I make well, Danny's favorite being my linguine with clam sauce, ironically not even a recipe from the Food Network, but it is sooo good. Thank goodness for Danny that I have gotten better at cooking because he has been my guinea pig and when I was first starting out, it was not pretty. I made a chicken parmesan once that I swear was twice as much parmesan as it was chicken, and even though I love cheese, nothing should ever be this cheesy and poor Danny choked it down even though it was definitely not my best work. By now I've learned things like how to alter recipes to people's tastes and how to time my cooking so that I don't have one dish done an hour before the rest, but it's taken a few years of experimenting, at the expense of some people's stomachs.

Today I found a recipe for Chicken Potstickers and I've been on an Asian food kick, so maybe my next experiment (with Danny as my victim of course) will be some kind of Asian meal, I could do a whole theme! And here I go again...:)

1 comment:

Big D said...

You should download the band Jump Little Children, specifically the song Mexico. It makes me think of you and it makes me smile...