Friday, June 22, 2007

drama, drama, drama in the office

Today there is serious drama in my office. All week I have been preparing for a trial for one of the partners, it's a really sad battery case where our client just got the crap beat out of him. Anyway, the defendants didn't have an attorney so they were defending themselves. The case is supposed to go to trial on Monday and the Court just called to let us know an attorney is trying to appear on behalf of the defendants, which means he'll file a continuance which means the case might not even go to trial on Monday after all this work! Ugh! The partner is not happy at ALL. He's on conference call with them now, so hopefully this will get cleared up shortly.

In other news, I'm leaving work early today to go to Chicago and I'm so excited b/c another of my roommates from college is meeting us there. Tamara is seriously the most random and funny person in the whole world so anytime she meets up with us for things, hilarity ensues. I really have to remember to bring my camera because Tam always throws out some great poses. The great thing about this trip is that it's so summer, you know? Taking a road trip, going to a bar on the beach, having cocktails with friends, it's just the perfect summer activity and I will defffffffinitely need a cocktail or four after the office drama. :) Hopefully I can call Jenny and her hubby Mike too. Jenny is my heterosexual life partner from law school, we're together all the time and I love her to death and on top of that her husband is awesome and they're always down for fun things to do, so obviously they will L-O-V-E the Boat bar, I mean who wouldn't?

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