Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Late Afternoon Musings

Just a few things I've been thinking about this late afternoon, being very tired of working with an hour to go:

Dick Lugar, Republican senator from Indiana (yeah, Hoosiers) stepped up to the plate yesterday. He publicly announced, as ranking Republican for the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee, that President Bush was running out of time to make very necessary changes to his policy/strategy for the war in Iraq. As a senator who has voted with Bush on everything regarding the war, this is a big step. I always thought I liked him, even if he was a Republican...

The season finale of this past season of the Office makes me so happy. I just watched it last night and can't get the last 5 minutes out of my head. I am literally going to be on the edge of my seat until Season 4 starts. Ok fine, not literally, but figuratively for sure, all summer long.

When I go to Salt Lake City next weekend, Danny's going to show me the salt flats, like in Pirates of the Caribbean 3, when Jack is alone (at World's End) in what appears to be a giant, snowy white desert. It's pretty much going to be sweet.

I am going to see Ocean's Thirteen tonight and I have to say, most of the members of that cast are enjoyable to look at, but I long for the days when my feelings about Brad Pitt were so much less conflicted. He is very good looking, yes, but I still hate the way he ended things with Jen, no matter how good of a dad he is now. Watching this movie would be so much less complicated if he had just kept it in his pants.

I am in grave need of sunlight. If I don't spend time outside this weekend and get some color on my face, I swear I won't go out in public anymore all summer long. I look like I'm on my death bed right now, seriously.

Ok, I should end on a less shallow note. It's my friend Melissa's birthday this weekend, and she's "sad" about turning 23 (which I've been for 9 months now), so I am bound and determined to make it a fabulous birthday celebration for her. I'm calling it the Melissa's 23rd Birthday Extravaganza Walking Tour 2K7, catchy, huh? Hopefully we'll have lots of fun and she'll forget all about the fact that she is officially mid-20s, HA! It's really perfect because after Melissa's birthday this weekend, Jenny's birthday later this month and Danny's birthday at the end of the month, they can all really put their energies into planning MY birthday, and only 3 months to do it! Come to think of it, I should remind them to start brainstorming ;)

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