Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wishing I could visit Italy soon...

I'm currently reading the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and although I'm only a hundred pages into it, I can already tell it's a book that will leave a lasting impression on me. The title refers to the main focus of Ms. Gilbert's 4 months of travel each in the following places: Italy (Eat), India (Pray), and Indonesia (Love). So far I am still in the Eat portion of the book, meaning the author's 4 months spent mostly in Rome, eating the food and immersing herself in the language.

I took Italian for 2 semesters in college and I would love so much to go back to Italian classes because it is such a gorgeous language and it really isn't horribly difficult to learn, especially since I took Latin in high school. (That makes me sound totally hip doesn't it?) Every time an Italian word or phrase is mentioned in the book, I can't help but say it out loud because Italian is just so melodic. Maybe after law school I'll find that time to take a class again? HA. PSYCH!

I have to say though, the part of the book that makes me miss Italy the most is the very colorful descriptions of the food in which she is indulging during her stay in Italy. I love Italian food that I can get in America, but there's just something about the way they cook in Italy. All the fresh ingredients and the olive oil that has such flavor and ohhhh the bread and pasta, I'm feeling faint just thinking about it. If it's possible to reach a state of nirvana from food, I'm pretty sure you could do it in Italy. Unfortunately, since I've learned that less carbs in my diet means less love handle, it's almost cruel torture to hear about the things she is eating in this book, full well knowing that not only can I not have this food because I am not in Italy, but even if I was or if I attempted to make or get something like it here, I would be racked with guilt at eating something that is basically pure carbohydrate. Ugh. I probably deserve a new outfit or something to inspire me to not eat badly, somehow that always makes me feel better.

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