Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rainy Days in Chicago

Well, I'm fresh back in Indiana from my weekend in Chicago and it was a great weekend just because hanging out with the girls was great. Of course though, when Melissa, Tamara and I arrived in Chicago, it was 65 degrees and raining and all we had packed were teensy summer dresses in the spirit of the beachy boat bar. So then we all put on leggings underneath and we looked like the Three Musketeers but we were obviously very cute. Tamara got immediately tipsy and was saying the most hilarious things, but many were inappropriate to publish online. Let's just say Tam has no filter when she's had a few cocktails ;)

Anyway, Jenny and Mike met up with us and I was sooo excited to see them, they're the best married couple ever. They are so fun and in love and hilarious and wonderful, I hope I'm like that when I'm married someday. It's so weird how you don't realize how much you miss someone until you're with them. Jenny and I have both been busy and out of town a lot so far this summer so we haven't talked a ton and getting to talk and hang out with her last night, it was just great. Even with Danny, even though I talk to him every single day, on our weekends together it is so wonderful to be with him that there's almost a bittersweet element to it because I realize what I'm missing when I don't get to be around him. Luckily I am going out to Salt Lake City in 12 short days! This summer has been great because I get to see him every 3 weeks and I love visiting Salt Lake because he always shows me something cool. As a girl from Indiana, everything about mountains and mountainous areas is mind-boggling to me :) I only hope for that trip I pack appropriately because teensy sundresses just do not cut it in 60 degree weather...

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