Thursday, June 21, 2007

My first post!

Yay! I'm so excited to start a blog because it gives me something to do when I just CANNOT handle some of my boring tasks at work. The thing is, there are parts of my job that I really like, I love most of the people in my office and I really do love learning about the practice of law, I know for sure that's what I want to do. The problem, however, with working for a small firm in a small town is that there isn't as much of the really exciting stuff to do. Everyone in a small firm has to do their fair share of crap work and I shouldnt' complain because obviously the secretaries have way way more of it, but I definitely get some stuff that is so boring I could fall asleep on my desk.

But anyway, enough complaining, I'm very lucky actually that my job pays pretty well and is giving me the opportunity to have one last summer in my hometown. Having a summer here after my first year of law school is incredibly comforting and the advantage of my building in Chicago not allowing subletting is that I have a place to stay if I feel like I can't handle the small town life for a weekend.

In fact, that's what I'm doing this weekend. My very best friend and I are going into Chicago because one of our roommates from college is having a get-together in honor of the longest day of the year! We're going to one of my new favorite Chicago watering holes, Castaways, or as I call it, "The Boat Bar." If you've ever driven or run down Lake Shore Drive, it is the giant fake boat about a half mile north of the Hancock building. There is really nothing exceptional about its drinks or prices or anything, but it's a GIANT BOAT, what's not fun about that? And, I must say, the beer garden up top is a great place to sit in the sun and enjoy some cocktails. It kind of reminds me of the Sex and the City when they have the roof party with the trannies, except no trannies. Well, there could be, I just didn't spot any last time I was there. Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to that and I'm sure I'll post all about it soon!

1 comment:

Big D said...

Its not really a boat. It cannot sail away, it cannot moor, it cannot clip and that is crap. I felt so deceived when I first saw it but after I had a few drinks, I felt better.