Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wedding Weekend

This weekend is exciting because our good friends (my boyfriend's and mine) are getting married! They have been together forever and are clearly very excited to finally be tying the knot. I LOVE a good wedding and the fact that tons of our friends will be there makes this wedding even more anticipated! I really do love everything about weddings. I love the romance, the dresses, the flowers, the CAKE, the open bar, the dancing, the tuxes, everything.
Of course, much to my boyfriend's dismay, weddings also make me imagine everything I want at my own. It is my very serious goal to not, in any way, no matter how many cocktails in I am, ask when my time will come. I refuse to give in to the high of fondant and white satin. Or, if I do, I'll keep it to myself and focus on the best way to dance to an Earth, Wind & Fire cover. (There isn't one, I missed disco by a decade.)
The other thing at this wedding I'm super pumped about is dancing with my man. He is a great dancer, it's amazing! He actually leads and knows how to twirl me around and it is so much fun I worry if my dancing skills are inferior to his. They might be. Luckily, he's good enough at being the man, I don't have to worry about it! Bonus!
This weekend is exactly what I need to rejuvenate myself for the next round of interviews to come next week and seeing my boyfriend always helps me in times like these to keep my eye on the prize, namely being with him in our nation's capital, I'm so stoked! :)

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