Monday, August 4, 2008

Spoiler Alert: Real Work = Harder than School

So my summer as a summer associate at a downtown litigation firm is coming to a close and I've made a brilliant discovery. I want to be a student FOREVER! The following things are those I always knew about a real job but never thought would apply to me:

1. Reporting to a supervisor and making sure your work is up to their standards is incredibly stressful.
2. Business casual does not mean what I thought it means. It means suits, just with more casual shirts underneath.
3. Emails never really get deleted.
4. No one remembers what it was like when they were in your shoes, thus everything should be done in 1/3 the time it takes to do it.
5. Wasting time but having to be accountable for it at the same time sucks. Big time.

Thus, I'm basically going to live every day of my 3L year gratefully. School rocks. Maybe I can get my Ph.D. in pop culture or something. I'll write my dissertation on Lindsay Lohan being forced by tabloid media to go gay. Or on how Jennifer Aniston deserves to be happy and John Mayer is the man to take her there. Or on how Perez needs to work on his posting topics lately because they've been boring me a bit. That definitely sounds like dissertation material, I'm going to put that into a fancy clear plastic folder and submit it to universities. Then I'm going to burn all my suits.

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