Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Things you love

Lately I'm noticing how silly little things that I love, like books or movies or pictures, become new to me again in some little detail every time I see/read/hear them. I guess it's the same with people too. I mean the reason the cliche "falling more in love each day" exists is because when you're in love with someone, you're constantly discovering new things to love about them every day, so it makes sense that teeny bit by teeny bit you love them more because you know there is more to love. So it is with anything that touches you, even movies or songs, just in a much smaller and more shallow way. Here are some examples with a few of my favorite little things:

  • I have this picture of Danny and I on a beach in Ireland. It's a picture I've looked at a thousand times, but it is such a beautiful photo because the light is behind us and our faces and bodies are kind of dark, but not dark enough that you can't see how happy we look. Our hair is all wind blown and we have big smiles on our faces. But I think my new favorite part is the way our heads are tilting toward each other, letting just a little bit of sunshine in between us.
  • I'm a huge Sex and the City fan and I watch the DVDs all the time, just at random. I was just watching the "I love NY" episode when Big is leaving for Napa and I was noticing all the discussion and reference to the end of summer and the beginning of fall in the episode, from actual dialogue, to the bright autumn red color of Brady's hair when he's born to the coat Carrie wears in golds and oranges and reds. This episode was their subtle homage to 9/11 and it's so interesting to think of that time immediately following that significant day as a new season, a little darker and a little colder.
  • "Till Kingdom Come" by Coldplay is one of my very favorite songs. It's always been the chorus that I've loved so much, but it came on the other day on my iPod and it was the first lyrics that made me think a little more. "Steal my heart/and hold my tongue/I feel my time/my time has come." It's those moments when someone takes away your ability to say anything. It doesn't happen for me very often, I'm a talker, but Danny does it to me sometimes. It feels so important to be in a moment that you don't want to break with saying something. It's wonderful.
It's nice to write about things that have made me think or moved me lately. It's nice to not forget them.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Happy and Sad

Ok, happy first. What a fabulous weekend. The wedding was incredible, the time with Danny was amazing and it was over before I knew it. The sad, of course, is that Danny had to go back to D.C. I hate saying goodbye to him more than anything else I have to do. He leaves and I'm in a noticeable funk for awhile afterward, depending on when I'm going to see him next. Since I know I'm going to see him right after Labor Day, hopefully I can get myself together more quickly this time. After our summer together, it's even harder for me without him though. My life just makes more sense with him in it every day, in person.

Ok, back to the happy, so the wedding was amazing for lots of reasons but mostly because it was designed to just be a lot of fun. The band played for 4 hours and it was almost a contest among the guests to see who could stay out on the dance floor the longest. (I didn't win, damn shoes.) It was also one of those weddings where the bride and groom are so happy that it is impossible to not want to celebrate around them. They were glowing. I can't say enough good things about it honestly.

On another happy, though much more shallow note, Danny and I saw Pineapple Express yesterday. It was very very funny and I have to give props to James Franco. Oh. My. God. The fact that he is the same guy who played Harry in Spiderman, who is kind of a d-bag, boggles my mind. He was so hilarious and convincing as the dirty hippie pot dealer and I kind of want him to be my friend.

To end on the most shallow note, since I'm kind of progressing that way, the HILLS premieres tonight and I can't f-ing wait. I don't care that it's fake or staged or whatever, it's going to be FABULOUS!!!! I'm sure I'll be writing more about that soon. It's the perfect thing to keep my mind off of interviews :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Little Gratitudes

I really feel like writing about some things I feel blessed to have in my life. Today I am grateful specifically for the following:

1) My mommy and daddy...they're amazing.
2) Fluffy comforters, they're fabulous therapy.
3) The ability to sing alone in my apartment to a George Michael classic, "Faith," of course
4) Sparkly pink nail polish
5) Hearing my boyfriend so excited about what he's doing now
6) Kind strangers
7) Ashtanga yoga, there's a satisfaction in knowing what comes next
8) My brand new Obama T, YES WE CAN.
9) Missing my's weird that I'm grateful for that, I guess I'm just glad to have such wonderful people in my life that I miss them every day.
10) The fact that my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. It's been remarkable.

So that's it. Just some things that make me feel fortunate that I had to put out into the universe. I'm a lucky girl.

Wedding Weekend

This weekend is exciting because our good friends (my boyfriend's and mine) are getting married! They have been together forever and are clearly very excited to finally be tying the knot. I LOVE a good wedding and the fact that tons of our friends will be there makes this wedding even more anticipated! I really do love everything about weddings. I love the romance, the dresses, the flowers, the CAKE, the open bar, the dancing, the tuxes, everything.
Of course, much to my boyfriend's dismay, weddings also make me imagine everything I want at my own. It is my very serious goal to not, in any way, no matter how many cocktails in I am, ask when my time will come. I refuse to give in to the high of fondant and white satin. Or, if I do, I'll keep it to myself and focus on the best way to dance to an Earth, Wind & Fire cover. (There isn't one, I missed disco by a decade.)
The other thing at this wedding I'm super pumped about is dancing with my man. He is a great dancer, it's amazing! He actually leads and knows how to twirl me around and it is so much fun I worry if my dancing skills are inferior to his. They might be. Luckily, he's good enough at being the man, I don't have to worry about it! Bonus!
This weekend is exactly what I need to rejuvenate myself for the next round of interviews to come next week and seeing my boyfriend always helps me in times like these to keep my eye on the prize, namely being with him in our nation's capital, I'm so stoked! :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Just like riding a bike...

So I just started on-campus interviews...again. As I am now moving to D.C. next year to be with my own personal Dr. McDreamy, I have to do the rare but oh-so-exciting 3L job search. It's funny, this morning getting prepped for my interview just felt like going through the motions even though I haven't done the whole she-bang in a year. I was completely calm up until the 5 minutes before and then the nausea came back. I definitely did not miss that part of OCI. Fortunately, my first interviewer was incredibly easy to talk to and I felt comfortable right at the point where I had to give my first answer.

Something that's not just like riding a bike is working out again for the first time in a couple months. Ouch. I'm definitely a little rusty on the old cardio, thank god I'm back on school schedule and will be able to go to the gym at empty times like mid-afternoon. Oh yeah, I suffer from gym shame. I hate hate HATE when people I know see me working out, especially when I'm a smidge out of shape, as I was today. Unfortunately for me, everyone at my school belongs to my gym because we get a sweet deal, so I have to be extra shady, even going into the little gym to hide from people I know. Ugh. Hopefully in a month or so I'll be back to my old self at the gym and not be so nervous to see people.

I'm doing yoga downward dog like riding a bike? My hamstrings hope so.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Spoiler Alert: Real Work = Harder than School

So my summer as a summer associate at a downtown litigation firm is coming to a close and I've made a brilliant discovery. I want to be a student FOREVER! The following things are those I always knew about a real job but never thought would apply to me:

1. Reporting to a supervisor and making sure your work is up to their standards is incredibly stressful.
2. Business casual does not mean what I thought it means. It means suits, just with more casual shirts underneath.
3. Emails never really get deleted.
4. No one remembers what it was like when they were in your shoes, thus everything should be done in 1/3 the time it takes to do it.
5. Wasting time but having to be accountable for it at the same time sucks. Big time.

Thus, I'm basically going to live every day of my 3L year gratefully. School rocks. Maybe I can get my Ph.D. in pop culture or something. I'll write my dissertation on Lindsay Lohan being forced by tabloid media to go gay. Or on how Jennifer Aniston deserves to be happy and John Mayer is the man to take her there. Or on how Perez needs to work on his posting topics lately because they've been boring me a bit. That definitely sounds like dissertation material, I'm going to put that into a fancy clear plastic folder and submit it to universities. Then I'm going to burn all my suits.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Semester, Whole New Blog

So first year of law school is tough right? Well this year, my second year, I'm learning that it wasn't so hard at all really because, especially this semester, school is kicking my ASS. Maybe it's because I still care about my grades, maybe it's because I like my classes and thus want to know what's going on in them, maybe it's just that I'm over-commited, but I have never been this busy. Luckily, I have a lot to look forward to. Danny is moving to Chicago for the summer in May; thanks to the end of the writer's strike, the Office is back very soon; I've got some of my fabulous college roomies coming into Chi-town in March for a visit and I just found out I'm going to the KANYE (and RIHANNA, and Lupe Fiasco and N.E.R.D.) this May!!! I'm so f-ing pumped. OH! And I'm in the law school musical, this year the theme is high school teeny bopper movie and I'm the head cheerleader. I think I've been typecast :)

On a more serious note, I've been making a real effort to stay informed, especially with the primaries being so so heated this year. I watch CNN every morning as I get ready for school and I try to read the paper every day. I have decided to support Barack Obama in the primary and the longer the campaign goes on, the happier I am with my choice. He really is the voice of a new era in American politics and his policies seem to me at least as though they will really be able to bring about change. I'm doing my best to encourage my friends and family to contribute to Obama, even $25, because I believe more than any other candidate, Barach Obama cares about this country and cares about making it a better place. It's so cheesy, but I really believe it.

In the land of pop culture, I'm pretty pumped for some of the movies coming out in the near future, most recently, The Other Boleyn Girl. I love ScarJo and I love Natalie Portman and I loved the book, I don't know how this movie can't be awesome. I also want to see Penelope, especially because my new favorite artist, Schuyler Fisk, has a song on the soundtrack and I really don't see her writing a song for a shitty movie. She's fabulous by the way, I can't wait for her album to come out! Oh and Heidi and Spencer are still Satan's spawn and Heidi should be forced to be silent for life for the absolutely heinous music she's put out into the world in the past week or so.

In general, despite my busy busy schedule, life really is great. Danny is wonderful, I can't wait for him to get here. School is difficult but rewarding. And hopefully, we only have a little bit of winter left, my fingers are crossed. I'm really focused on the fantastic summer I'm going to have, with Danny, with my new job and being in a truly wonderful summer city!