Friday, September 7, 2007

Real Lawyers Don't Wear Suits

So I had another job interview today. I have to say it's a little disconcerting to show up to an interview on a Friday in my oh-so-conservative-and-ladylike business suit when half the office is in jeans. Literally, 1 out of 8 attorneys I met today had a suit on and that's because he went to court! I can't freaking wait until I can walk into a law office in something other than pantyhose and a jacket (and the other stuff too, just those would be awkward). I'm going on this rant because this morning, as I'm getting into the taxi which will take me to my interview (with no time to spare of course), I ripped my suit, making the slit in the back longer than it was meant to be. It could have been a lot worse, luckily that was not really noticeable, at least I hope not. I was freaking out though.
Other than wardrobe malfunctions, my interview went really well. Maybe I'm just a sucker for marketing or maybe they really are that awesome but with both firms I've interviewed at, I was really impressed. I had good days, met nice people and just all-around liked the atmosphere at both. Maybe that's a good sign, maybe I'll be happy anywhere I work. I am very glad that I'm staying at the number of callbacks I have now, any more and I would B.S. myself to death. I have 3 interviews in Salt Lake in less than 2 weeks and thank goodness Danny will be there, because 3 interviews in 2 days will be exhausting. I'll need to come home to someone after those, not to mention I'll only have one left after that, so I'll be just about burned out. Ugh. Job searching is the coolest...PSYCH! Soon it will be done. And then I still have almost 2 full years until I really have to be an adult. Gross.

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