Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Semester, Whole New Blog

So first year of law school is tough right? Well this year, my second year, I'm learning that it wasn't so hard at all really because, especially this semester, school is kicking my ASS. Maybe it's because I still care about my grades, maybe it's because I like my classes and thus want to know what's going on in them, maybe it's just that I'm over-commited, but I have never been this busy. Luckily, I have a lot to look forward to. Danny is moving to Chicago for the summer in May; thanks to the end of the writer's strike, the Office is back very soon; I've got some of my fabulous college roomies coming into Chi-town in March for a visit and I just found out I'm going to the KANYE (and RIHANNA, and Lupe Fiasco and N.E.R.D.) this May!!! I'm so f-ing pumped. OH! And I'm in the law school musical, this year the theme is high school teeny bopper movie and I'm the head cheerleader. I think I've been typecast :)

On a more serious note, I've been making a real effort to stay informed, especially with the primaries being so so heated this year. I watch CNN every morning as I get ready for school and I try to read the paper every day. I have decided to support Barack Obama in the primary and the longer the campaign goes on, the happier I am with my choice. He really is the voice of a new era in American politics and his policies seem to me at least as though they will really be able to bring about change. I'm doing my best to encourage my friends and family to contribute to Obama, even $25, because I believe more than any other candidate, Barach Obama cares about this country and cares about making it a better place. It's so cheesy, but I really believe it.

In the land of pop culture, I'm pretty pumped for some of the movies coming out in the near future, most recently, The Other Boleyn Girl. I love ScarJo and I love Natalie Portman and I loved the book, I don't know how this movie can't be awesome. I also want to see Penelope, especially because my new favorite artist, Schuyler Fisk, has a song on the soundtrack and I really don't see her writing a song for a shitty movie. She's fabulous by the way, I can't wait for her album to come out! Oh and Heidi and Spencer are still Satan's spawn and Heidi should be forced to be silent for life for the absolutely heinous music she's put out into the world in the past week or so.

In general, despite my busy busy schedule, life really is great. Danny is wonderful, I can't wait for him to get here. School is difficult but rewarding. And hopefully, we only have a little bit of winter left, my fingers are crossed. I'm really focused on the fantastic summer I'm going to have, with Danny, with my new job and being in a truly wonderful summer city!